In 1979, Scott Spencer published his book Endless Love , a novel about 17-year-old David Axelrod and his dangerous obsession with his girlfriend, Jade. Two years later, a film adaptation of the same name came out and disastrously missed the point of its source material. While this is no strange feat in Hollywood, it's difficult to point fingers on who, exactly, is to blame for claiming that David really was in love Jade and vice versa when the novel goes so far to explain that this isn't the case, as there doesn't seem to be much information widely available regarding the production of the film. Part of me feels that it's more likely the fault of studio meddling; after all, the popular love ballad of the same name gained this film its only Academy Award and Golden Globe. And I don't believe that the screenwriter nor director were completely oblivious to the symbolism present in the novel, given an early scene in the film where David and Jade dress similarly to ...