Losin' It (1983)

There isn't much to say about Losin' It outside of what could be expected based off its poster and title. It's another straight-forward 80s teen sex comedy, only this time so stale that the offensiveness of the standard misogyny and racism found in movies like this can't override how humdrum this film really is.

Perhaps this sounds harsh when compared to something like Endless Love, but Losin' It has no interesting broader context nor subtext. Not that one can expect a film about three teenagers trying to have sex in Mexico to be that deep when all is said and done, but it leaves little to reflect upon in a review outside of stating the obvious. Nothing about this movie is funny, unless the mere thought of sex and off-color jokes is amusing.

Reportedly, Cruise took this film to star alongside Jackey Earle Haley, according to IMDb; Andrew Morton's unauthorized biography about Cruise claims that this was simply a paycheck film. Whatever the reason, this film remains the most forgettable of Cruise's career. Even when it came out, it was easily overshadowed by Risky Business, a movie that meant much more for Cruise's career than this one.

Something I do find interesting, though, is that this film is what I consider to be the first in an unofficial trilogy of movies where Cruise losing his virginity is integral to the plot. Also mildly fascinating is how this film portrays him as a clean-cut, polite, somewhat nerdy teenager, a character so starkly different to the image Cruise carved for himself with Top Gun and later roles.

Losin' It is really only worth watching if you're determined to see Tom Cruise in every iteration of his career. Otherwise, it's completely fine to skip it.

Rating: 1.5/5 - January 23, 2020


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